WEEK 5 Key workers Part 1


WEEK 5 - Key Workers - Part 1


‘Celebrating Frontline Workers’


We have all seen images on TV of people celebrating key workers by clapping on a Thursday night through May & June this year. Without doubt this has been a great way of bringing the community together in the UK. Everyone is right to celebrate NHS heroes. I have been unable to personally  thank one or two friends who I know work as nurses and hospital staff, although I have been in touch with them, I can’t imagine what hardships and horrors they have been through. While as photographers we have been unable to get access to document the crisis in our hospitals, I took this image while watching the news concerning BAME workers at the NHS who have been disproportionately affected by the disease than others. Even still an image like this can speak a thousand words about the care shown in our hospitals. Its also a time to remember them and other key workers such as teachers, supermarket staff have all been part of keeping us going during lockdown. How have you witnessed the lives of key workers celebrated near you? It would be great to see your images and comments/stories about the care that key workers have demonstrated. 


 NB (any portraits will need permission from individuals before posting)